Thursday, April 15, 2010


In what ways were Krakauer's research and authoritative methods successful and unsuccessful in your opinion throughout his development of Into the Wild. Pick a couple examples from the text to back up your viewpoint.


  1. i think that Krakauer was successful in his research. the Best moment he had was at the end of his book when he was defending chris. He was trying to show how chris wasn't just so idiotic kid who was running around the alaskan wild. Krakauer research deep into the different types of things chris was eating and how they might have affected him. Krakauer says, " He had began to gather and eat large quantities of wild potato seeds in july 14, during an extended period of rainy weather" (194). Chris thought that these were ok to eat. he made an honest mistake. who doesn't? People make mistakes everyday, things happen. Krakauer's research proves that Chris wasn't such a stupid kid. he was very smart but just made an honest mistake

  2. i believe that his research was successful because he started out with a very high opinion of Chris ad was a supporter from the beginning and never wavered in that area but instead of trying to prove his point by using his own experiences he actually took the time to look into what lead to Chris's ultimate demise. h shows that Chris wasn't an unintelligent or even unprepared boy just that there was something he didn't know about something which lead him to the grave but not because he wasn't prepared for the wild life. the potato seeds he ate he believed he could and just because he made one bad decision we shouldn't base our opinion off of that. i think krakauer portrayed this well with the research he presented
