Thursday, March 4, 2010


Here is the prompt for 101.25 -

"Do you think it was a good idea to add the chapters about Walt (Chris’ father) and Krakauer as individuals? What did it do for you for your views of the novel? Did anything change your opinion or did it support what you already thought? Why?"

1 comment:

  1. i do think that this was important for it showed Chris's further detachment from his father. when he found out about the affair that his father had partaken in this was like a final blow. if the author had skipped this i believe it would have left a lot of people left stumped and wondering what had even happened. finding out that his father was a cheater was i think a very important aspect to the story because it shows us how much farther away from his family that it pushes Chris. i think that it was just as well good to make a chapter about Krakauer because it makes his recounts of these situations more credible
